Tapadhir Das
Tapadhir Das is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Director of the Dependability And Security Laboratory at the University of the Pacific. His primary research focuses on protecting cyber-physical systems like intelligent vehicles and smart grid infrastructures from cyber attacks and developing resilient and trustworthy AI frameworks. As a researcher, Tapadhir has co-authored over 25 international conference and journal publications. He is the recipient of an IEEE CARS 2024 Best Paper Award and an IEEE IECON 2024 Best Paper Presentation Award. Tapadhir currently serves on the program committee of several IEEE conferences and as a reviewer for several high-impact journals. More information can be found on his website tapadhirdas.com.
Ph.D., Computer Science & Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, 2023
M.S., Computer Science & Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, 2020
B.S., Computer Engineering Technology, Oregon Institute of Technology, 2018
- Computer Networks
- Computer Security
- ML-enabled Cybersecurity
- Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity
- Internet of Things Security
- Cyber-physical Systems Security
- Machine Learning for Cybersecurity
- Adversarial Machine Learning
For a full list of publications, please check out my website:
- Lochana Telugu Rajesh, Tapadhir Das, Raj Mani Shukla, and Shamik Sengupta, "Give and Take: Federated Transfer Learning for Industrial IoT Network Intrusion Detection," in 2023 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), IEEE, 2023. (Tier A Conference, Acceptance Rate: 30%)
- Amber Hankins, Tapadhir Das, Shamik Sengupta, and David Feil-Seifer, "Eyes on the Road: A Survey on Cyber Attacks and Defense Solutions for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks," in 2023 IEEE Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), IEEE, 2023.
- Tapadhir Das, Osama Abu Hamdan, Raj Mani Shukla, Shamik Sengupta, and Engin Arslan “UNR-IDD: Intrusion Detection Dataset using Network Port Statistics,” in 2023 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), IEEE, 2023.
- Tapadhir Das, Osama Abu Hamdan, Shamik Sengupta, and Engin Arslan “Flood Control: TCP-SYN Flood Detection for Software-Defined Networks using OpenFlow Port Statistics,” in 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR), IEEE, 2022.
- Tapadhir Das, Raj Mani Shukla, and Shamik Sengupta, “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?: Identification of Current Challenges and Prospective Opportunities for Anomaly Detection in Internet of Things," in IEEE Network Magazine, IEEE, 2022. (Impact Factor: 10.69)
- AbdelRahman Eldosouky*, Tapadhir Das*, Anuraag Kotra, and Shamik Sengupta, “Finding the Sweet Spot for Data Anonymization: A Mechanism Design Perspective,” in IEEE Access, IEEE, 2022. (* denotes co-first authorship) (Impact Factor: 3.9)
- Aaron Walker, Tapadhir Das, Raj Mani Shukla, and Shamik Sengupta, "Friend or Foe: Discerning Benign vs Malicious Software and Malware Family," in 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), IEEE, 2021. (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference, Tier A Conference)
- Tapadhir Das, Raj Mani Shukla, and Shamik Sengupta, "The Devil is in the Details: Confident & Explainable Anomaly Detector for Software-Defined Networks,” in 2021 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), IEEE, 2021. (Tier A Conference)